Thursday, February 14, 2013

Help me!! Dress needed....ASAP!!

Happy Chinese New Year!!

May this year bring you lots of wealth, prosperity and good health!! What did you guys do for Chinese New Year (if applicable)?? I just ate dinners and then more eating.

Anyway, so I have a wedding in March to go to with the mister and I need a dress. I have dresses but I have recycled them all and I really don’t feel like wearing something old. I want something new!! But it’s a particular style of dress I am looking for, and I can’t seem to find it anywhere...I am seriously running out of ideas on where to find such dresses.

I would prefer (not limited to) a lower/deeper v-neck with an A-line or babydoll-ish skirt. I have a few pics of what I’m talking about...hopefully this makes sense or if any of you can help!!!

This is exactly what i'm looking for.
photo credit: Lilly Ghalichi

or something like this....with straps. NOTHING strapless.
photo credit: Lilly Ghalichi

this is nice also. but not in white...i like how flowy it looks
photo credit:

the back of the dress
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this is very cute but i'm not sure if it's too much...i love the bottom...
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love the back of this one...
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this would be gorgeous if there wasn't that little flap in the v-neckline...but still pretty.
photo credit:

the back is nice also...i like how the zipper is hidden because some dresses, the zipper is BOOM, right in your face
photo credit:

so any ideas guys?? help!! i was thinking something tight...maybe a bandage dress but the boyfriend says i wear those all the time, so i might as well try something new. any ideas on where to go shop for such dresses, is greatly appreciated!!!

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